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Spotlight Series: Di Is Organized - Less Clutter, More Clarity

Decluttering your personal space has a profound impact on your mental and overall health. So, our June Spotlight Series highlights Di Ter Avest, Owner and Organizer at Di is Organized. Di is a Home Professional Organizer and mother to two young children. She has owned her own business since 2013 and supports her clients through a variety of home organizing programs including Organize Yourself Healthy, Hands-On Organizing, Virtual Organizing, Home Management, DIY Plans and Moving/Downsizing. Read more about her business and how she can help make your life a bit easier with much less clutter!

organized closet
Meet Di Ter Avest, Owner of 'Di is Organized'. Discover how she helps create more clarity with less clutter, improving mental and overall health.

How did you get started with your business/career?

In 2011, when I was getting ready to move to the USA, to get married, I started searching for ideas of what I could do and still be able to be present and grow our family. I have a major in Journalism, but I have always wanted to have my own business. My dad was an entrepreneur and always taught me how to pursue my dreams and make them happen. After many days of searching the internet, I learned that Professional Organizing was a thing here in the USA, but not much in Brazil.

Looking back, I realize that I have always loved a clean and organized home from a very young age. My mom raised me like this. I remember that my mom often got everything out of my closet for me to organize, just because I was bored, and that would give me something to do. Both my parents taught me essential lessons in my life that led me to where I am today!

So, in March 2012, after I returned to the USA and got married, I started learning more about the business. I took some online classes, read books, watched YouTube videos, learned about materials, and more. During that year, l also created my website, registered my business, and invested some time in marketing my new business. In January 2013, I was ready to launch and take my first client.

What are you passionate about when it comes to working with your clients?

What I love the most about my job is the transformation we see in their everyday lives, after a few hours of working together. To me, it is much more than just having an organized, functional, beautiful space you are proud of; it is about how my clients feel and the things they can do after their homes get organized.

What are your specialties?

I would say that I can work my organizing “magic” in any space of the house. It is hard for me to pick one area I like to organize the most. They all have their benefits. I would say that my specialty is to work with families to improve their lives. I love organizing kitchens and pantries, where families can cook healthy meals and save money and time. I love organizing playrooms so kids can engage with their toys and have learning experiences. I love organizing living spaces where families can bond and have a good time together. I love helping our clients create systems and routines, so they can find what they need.

How does your work provide relief, insight, or other benefits to your clientele?

When clients come to us, they are often overwhelmed, stressed out, or dealing with anxiety problems. I am a big believer that our minds are linked to our environment and vice versa. A disorganized home could influence the way people feel. With that in mind, this year, we also launched an online course where I guide my clients and students on how to organize themselves healthily. In the class, I share tips to organize the mind, their time, the environment, eating habits, and workout routines. I love helping people to get the best they can from our relationship.

Any other info you would like to provide, especially as it pertains to dealing with COVID-19, etc. (Special packages or offers, etc.)

We offer several services, including in-home services, where we get the work done for you/with you. DIY virtual organizing, where we create a plan, shopping guide, space plan, and you get it done on your own time and schedule, and we check on you and keep you accountable. We also offer an online course, “Organize Yourself Healthy,” and workshops.


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