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A Stress-Free Summer!

Typically by mid-July it finally actually feels like summer and many have settled into new summer patterns and routines. While the thought of summer doesn't typically bring to mind the concept of increased stress, many people actually do experience this with the change of season and structure. Any sort of change can cause added stress, and with the increased heat and daylight and decreased structure, some may feel this shift without even realizing it. Additionally, many people are attending more social gatherings, which can cause overstimulation and added obligations. Our sleeping, eating, and exercise routines may look different during the summer. So, what do we need to do to keep stress low and truly enjoy the summer?

Here are 3 tips on how to enjoy a stress-free summer:

1. Find some time to decompress. This is important, even if it's just for a few minutes a couple of times a week. Meditation or gratitude journaling are recommended for those who need help finding ways to re-center and recharge a little. Headspace is a great resource for beginners looking to incorporate meditation practice into their routine in a realistic and manageable way.

2. Set boundaries. You may find yourself invited to picnics, barbecues and pool parties every day of every weekend. You do not have to go to all of them! It is okay to say no to some invitations. Attendance based on obligation, not authenticity, is a surefire way to feel drained, exhausted, and possibly resentful. Along the same lines, work commitments can also require boundary-setting, especially in the summer months. With colleagues on vacation, you may feel pressure to pick up extra work. Be sure to distinguish between being a team player and taking on an unfair amount of the workload.

3. Maintain your routine regarding the basics. It's easy to get caught up in staying out later with the extended daylight. Or skipping your usual workout to chill at the pool. Or enjoying extra hamburgers and margaritas at a summer gathering. But are you over-indulging every day, multiple times a day? Try to moderate the indulgences and stick with some semblance of your typical routine. Staying hydrated, engaging in physical activity, and eating foods that support a well-balanced diet are basic parts of our routines that will carry us through the summer months.

For more tips on a stress-free summer, check out: De-Stress This Summer 

beach chairs and umbrellas lined up for summer relaxation
Learn how to decompress, set boundaries, and maintain healthy routines for a relaxing season.


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